Barfoot and Duggan, Silly

Shambala Voodoo Luck

Shambala is soon and Duggan and I are going to be performing very strange voodoo rituals and giving away voodoo fortunes.

Talking in tongues, wearing leather capes with glitter, multi-coloured, terrifying, silly, costumes.

Today I made the fortunes. Inside each tiny jar is a tiny fortune, some glitter and powdered paint.

Pour out the contents, blow a puff of colourful, glittery cloud, find out your fortune.

It’s going to be fun.

DSCF1034 DSCF1036

Here are some of the fortunes:

  • You are an able man.
  • You are a beautiful woman.
  • Do or do not. There is no try.
  • You’ll never be any good at gardening.
  • He who laughs at himself never runs out of things to laugh at.
  • The fortune you seek is in a different fortune.
  • Your days shall be long and your dreams fulfilled.
  • The nightlife is for you.
Barfoot and Duggan, Silly, Text

More ‘Shit Joke Book’ Illustrations

Getting some of these illustrations done, rather fun today in the sunshine. I’m illustrating some of the words in the jokes, usually the punchline. Things like ‘Breasts, bum fruit, his poo was on holiday, it is dead, eek, free and kiss a potato really hard.’ All are shit jokes made up by kids. All the words I am making using nicely sharpened pencils, coloured graphite and viscous watercolour paint.

Q. What do you call a snail with no shell?

A. It is dead.


bum fruit holiday poodead Eek freekiss potato

Barfoot and Duggan, color, Design

Union Street, Bristol

Barfoot and Duggan have been busy creating an attractive shop front hoarding to use to board up the disused shops in Union Street, Broadmead, Bristol.

Here are some of my sketchy designs:

I found those pics of the boxes in THE MOST AMAZING BOOK IN THE WORLD, Tactile:High Touch Visuals by Klanten, Ehmann and Hubner. Published by Dgv in November 2007. It’s only £26.80 in Amazon, and I found it in Urban Outfitters for £25. The rrp is £40!

Everything in the book is so delicious, I am so inspired. There is also ‘Tangible’, which is next on my list!

So the box pics are titled ‘De Designpolite’ made by students at the Utrecht School of Art in 2004.

Barfoot and Duggan, Lists

Project 2010: The Love Of It

Project 2010: 52 projects. One year to live for the love of it. Oodles of fun! Get involved in the following Project 2010 challenges then send the outcomes to The Love Of It.

Project ONE

Put aside an hour this week to scribble down your ultimate ‘things to do before you die’ list. Where in the world do you want to go, what sights do you want to see, what books do you want to read and what adventures do you want to go on?

Email your list to or, better still, write it on a scrap of paper, beer mat or postcard, cross things out, change your mind and write them back in again, cover it in doodles and send it to: The Love of It Bucket List, Barfoot and Duggan, Stokes Croft Studios, Top Floor, 77-79 Stokes Croft, Bristol BS1 3RD.

Here are a couple of samples of the postal lists we’ve recieved so far:

Barfoot and Duggan, Bristol, Thoughts

Two Lucy’s One Happiness

A while ago, us Lucy and I had an interview with Megan Cara. We just found it, and it made a lovely read! Thank you Megan!

“Their attitude toward art and people and the world is what i found to be most intriguing about them. Lucy Duggan has a degree in Sociology from Bristol University and has been a Bristol resident for 9 years. Lucy Barfoot has a fine arts degree from the University of Creative Arts which is in Surrey.

The two women are just so positive and excited to be doing what they are doing. They explained to me that they have a very naive approach to things, but knowingly naive. They have accomplished a lot with this outlook. For their collaborative list installation they sent letters to many organizations and people asking for lists. Even to the Queen of England! They are cheeky and silly and people find it charming.

Their latest collaboration is called Light Box, a series of workshops they are assembling. The workshops are a combination of positive psychology and creativity, ultimately helping people live a more happy life. Their passion for happiness is truly inspiring. They are holding test workshops now and will be piloting the project in March.

My interview with them turned into a casual conversation about life, happiness, art, and Bristol. I had a wonderful time chatting with them. I wanted to get their point of view on street art in the UK and Bristol, since that is what my original inspiration was for the blog… They both commented that the street art in Bristol is changing all the time, and really is beautiful. Some of it is allowed, and there are even designated areas for the artwork, but some people do find themselves in a lot of trouble for it. Barfoot commented that she doesn’t see Banksy as “some big thing.” Duggan expressed interest in temporary street art, images made with baking flour or sugar paper that disappear in the rain, this takes care of the possibility of getting in trouble.

Over all it was wonderful to speak with such positive and open minded artists. The one thing that stuck with me most was something one of them said – more relating to life. We were discussing having bad friends, or toxic relationships and how that very much effects one’s happiness, and one of the Lucys said something like…as soon as i realised that i couldn’t do anything to change how other people live their lives, it was much easier for me to live my own life happily. Lets all take a page out of their book.”

Barfoot and Duggan, Thoughts

My website works!

is back online!
That’s right! I think you should go and visit it. I have updated, moved around, deleted, re-colored, uploaded and edited.
Especially exciting things on my website:
Barfoot and Duggan, Lists

The Love of It: Bucket List

Here is a lovely thing, is set to launch on 1st Jan 2010, It will be the source of all knowledge on good wholesome fun: a calendar of fun events and a place where you can share ideas, plan events and get involved. All for the love of it. Things like:
Night swimming
Den building
Board games
Road tripping
Pin hole camera making
Couch surfing
Cheese rolling
Hole digging
Star gazing
Sand castles
Making things
Kite flying
Treasure hunts
Tree climbing
Story telling
Hula hooping
Water fighting
Hitch hiking
Beach Olympics
Book swapping
Wild swimming
Conker fights
Outdoor cinema
Inventing things

In the meantime, they are looking for writers, photographers and events organisers to jump on board. If you have an event or project you want The Love Of It to list, or if you would like to find out more and get involved please email You can join the Facebook group here and find them on twitter too.
Barfoot and Duggan are involved in a list-collecting exercise. Take part!
Project 2010 #1 Write a Bucket List.
Put aside an hour this week and write down your ultimate ‘things to do before I die’ list. You can be as specific, as vague, as random as you like.Email your lists to or, better still, send it to:

The Love of It Bucket List
Barfoot and Duggan
Stokes Croft Studios
Top Floor
77-79 Stokes Croft
Your lists will star on on 1st January and also form part of Barfoot and Duggan’s exhibition There’s More to Life Than Lists (nearly ready website:
Barfoot and Duggan, Street Art

Artist Interview with Megan Cara

Barfoot & Duggan met with the lovely Megan Cara today, she is an art student from the US. She wanted to interview us for her independent study based on art whilst she is in Bristol completing her degree.  It was really great to talk about our working practice, who we are as artist, the things we like, and the story of how the two of us met. Megan is looking for all kinds of artists to meet with for her study.

“Hi! I’m excited to hear from artists from Bristol and all of the UK. I am keeping a blog of my experiences and impressions of art while i am living and studying here and  would love to meet with or hear from any and all willing artists! I want to know how you got into art, what kind of art you make, life philosophies and much more. my email is: … i really look forward to meeting more wonderful artists.”

So if you are a Bristol based artist, contact Megan and get involved!

Barfoot and Duggan, Exhibitions, Lists

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who came to the ‘There’s More To Life Than Lists’ exhibition. I especially want to say thank you to those who supported me by attending the private view and came from far and wide to see the show.

Barfoot and Duggan had amazing exposure for the exhibition, thank you to the Western Daily Press, the Bristol Evening Post, BBC Radio Bristol, Tom Bigwood of Bristol Community Radio, Venue and A-N Magazines.

603 people came through the doors, breaking Centrespace records. One man stayed for 4.5 hours, reading all the lists. People have been inspired to collect lists for us, one man is angry with the queen for not giving us her list (“she’s no queen!”) we sold 60 catalogs, had a great time setting the work up, and great fun taking it down. We both made hundreds of cups of tea for visitors and had countless interesting conversations.

It is fair to say that we were knackered afterward! Barfoot and Duggan have paused their Lightbox work for 2 weeks, I have been spending all possible time in the studio, ready to return to our hard work soon, refreshed and powerful. We are also thinking about our next art project/how to continue the list project.

If you have any lists you would like to donate, please email me!

I have photographs too! Some mine, some Nigel Barfoot’s (photographer extraordinaire) and some I am waiting on from a delightful freelance photographer who kindly took some snaps for us. I will be posting the rest of the pictures tomorrow, hang on

Barfoot and Duggan, Thoughts

Flyers and Business Cards

The time has come for me to print flyers and business card. But it’s so expensive! I decided to go with the option of photo printing, using matte instead of gloss photo paper. Boots Photo have a deal where if you join, you get 40 free prints. most big photo developers like Tesco and Asda have this deal too, but Boots seems to be the only one who can provide matte paper.

So I’ve bought over 900 photographs, which was about £50, these will be flyers for ‘There’s More To Life Than Lists’, flyers for my Text Project, Barfoot & Duggan business cards (4 on one photo, which i have to cut up) and Text Project business cards. AND photos from the last year and a half to update my photo album. I’m very pleased with the finish too, thanks Boots. Thoots.

Oh, I much prefer Moo Cards, they are gorgeous, but quite expensive, so next time, little moo cards.

Barfoot and Duggan, Exhibitions, Lists

Lucy Barefoot?

SO apparently my name is Lucy Barefoot, Thanks A-N magazine. How excited I was, featured in A-N! I can put this in my C.V, loads of people will come to my exhibition! But woe is me, I am Lucy Barefoot apparently. And It shouldn’t have even been ‘Lucy Barfoot’, It should have been ‘Barfoot and Duggan’ But still, mustn’t complain! There’s More To Life Than Lists is getting free advertising!

Barfoot and Duggan, Exhibitions, Lists, Stop Motion

There’s More to Life Than Lists Preparation

Here are some pictures from Barfoot and Duggan’s exhibition preparation. We’re displaying the lists hung from thread from the tall ceilings of Centrespace Gallery, Bristol. And also inside a canopy. There are articles on the walls and displayed on plinths; letters from list donors (including letters of ‘no donation’ from the Queen, Prince Charles and Armando Iannucci.) We will be asking for list donations throughout the week of the exhibition, to add to the show.

*Exciting News*

‘There’s More to Life Than Lists’ is going to be a featured exhibition in the ‘Spotlight’ section of the October issue of A-N Magazine. How exciting! I’m predicting lots of people through the doors of Centrespace!

Barfoot and Duggan, Lists, Silly, Stop Motion

Barfoot and Duggan hard at work.

We have been working really hard to get our Centrespace exhibition ready. We have under a month to go now, and plenty of lists to display; threading and pinning. We are making more reciept mountains and getting some lists and letters framed. There’s a lot of work to be done, and we’re having fun doing it. Apart from when the list-thread gets in knots!
