Blind Drawing, Drawing

Telephone Drawings take 2

This wonderful old telephone, previously drawn, used as a prop, kicked about in the studio, hidden away on a shelf…. thought it was time to get it out and draw it again, because that’s always been a good starting point for me when I’m trying to get into the creativity zone or want to actually do some drawing (so very overlooked by me most of the time). So here’s the phone, and  the drawings which came out. One is a 5-minute blind drawing. ‘Cos I like that







Blind Drawing, Drawing

Don’t forget Blind Drawing

It’s great to remember Blind Drawing. I do quite a lot of this at work, but not much personally. I dragged out a roll of paper, got a selection of pens out and went for it. Here are my favourite parts. May this remind me to stop forgetting about Blind Drawing!

Barfoot and Duggan, Blind Drawing, Bristol

Stall success!

Lucy and I had our stall! It was hugely successful, not just in terms of making a little bit of money (Enough to cover the stall and buy balloons and mulled wine) but it was also SUCH a fun weekend, I haven’t laughed so much in ages.

Angela & Yannick came to visit, they did some Blind Drawing workshops with us. Elena came too, I drew her and her wild hair a few times. Nicole came on the stall for Saturday. We were the ever expanding stall! We got a star for being the smiliest stall too.

Lucy’s bears were really successful, they have such character. We’re going to make some more of them together for the next stall. (Start the Bus has free stalls on Sundays?) No one bought my Nice, Love, Yes of Cup of Tea, but it was not the right place to sell those i think – they were quite expensive too.
