Design, Graphics, Monsters

My Handwritten Fonts

Brill tool, Ifontmaker, for the Ipad. So simple and easy, and £4.99 at the Appstore. I really recommend it. I’m pretty happy with the fonts I made. Get Ifontmaker here.

Here’s the first two. They are in the public domain, so you’re free to use them for personal or commercial use. Click on them to be transferred to the page where you can get the free download of them.

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After I made those two, I thought I could have a bit more fun than just trying to make another font, which would probably turn out to be very similar to those two I’d already made, so I thought I could make a font of my monsters… Soon to feature on a Barfoot and Duggan duvet cover for children. This one’s called ‘Jumbo

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One more! This one’s called ‘BingBing’ and it’s a bit of a hairy one… only did the caps for this one, it took a crazy amount of time.

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I bloody love fonts. Here’s some great resources, which I use regularly for my design work:

And a couple of cool things:

Drawing, Monsters, Silly

Craig Atkinson’s Monsters

A couple of months ago, I came across Craig Atkinson, (found him on the Boooooom website)

He drew these:

Which are quite like these… Apart from the ones I have made have much less suspicious eyes. Here are my monsters, which I have been playing with for 4 years now. A fancy dress costume, a nail design, a drawing, wallpaper.

So after finding him, I got back into the monsters, and had a little go at creating something like his collective. cutting paper to size, allowing it to stand up. It’s like a little army.

Craig Atkinson’s website is here, and contains a lot of photographs of Britain, drawings and a collection of Spanish serviettes. He also lectures and directs Café Royal Books. A busy man! Find him on Twitter: @craigatkinson

Bristol, Monsters, Silly, Video

Bank Holiday

Thinking about joining here:

And some monster fingers:

Weird skyline in Bournemouth this weekend. What a straight line!

I am trying to get into rollerskating. Planning to join in with Skate Bristol. I have bought some knee pads on Ebay, And my friends Nicole and Lyndsay now own a pair, so I’m going to get skating! Here are a couple of very short vids of me skating:
