Barfoot and Duggan, Silly, Text

More ‘Shit Joke Book’ Illustrations

Getting some of these illustrations done, rather fun today in the sunshine. I’m illustrating some of the words in the jokes, usually the punchline. Things like ‘Breasts, bum fruit, his poo was on holiday, it is dead, eek, free and kiss a potato really hard.’ All are shit jokes made up by kids. All the words I am making using nicely sharpened pencils, coloured graphite and viscous watercolour paint.

Q. What do you call a snail with no shell?

A. It is dead.


bum fruit holiday poodead Eek freekiss potato

Paint, Text

Pictures Talking

Here’s something new! Sprung from a creative afternoon on the sofa with Angela Chick, and a donation of paints from a much-missed Grandpa, I made these.

That last one there is my favourite, and I’d like to do this on a large scale. All the above were made using wall-paint as the speech bubble – to help get that stark edge, which I want more practice at. The orange text is with watercolour and the thinest brush ever. Slight issue with magazine paper going wrinkly with the paint, may try ironing the paper after painting. Now need to collect more B&W images of people at parties, having a nice time.


Can’t find my keys


Double rainbow all the way (Inspired by this incredible Youtube vid: double rainbow)


Not sure if she is having a great time or not


Elvis is really enjoying this


The sexy Cara Delevingne is a pork pie fan. Can she have half of yours?


She loves her bovril


Maybe a barber shop quartet, maybe just agreeing with each other.
