
50 FRAMES – A Video Project

Finally, the right music. This is the evolvement of the 1-second movies video I made two years ago. (not here online, but it will be) The project has felt a little bit like ‘You’ve Been Framed’ until I started playing with the music.

But joking aside, and this IS a funny video, but It has weight to it too. I have been creating this for 6 months. The clips within I have been collecting for 7 years. So many have been cut out, but that was a good process within itself. Chuck away the things you don’t need, which don’t make something better.

Music: Nicolas Jaar – Don’t Break My Love

Art, Interesting and Inspiring, Video

Beauty is Embarrassing – Wayne White

Beauty Is Embarrassing is a  documentary chronicling the life and work of the artist Wayne White. I haven’t seen it, and I want to see it, but I don’t know how I can!

Whether he’s parading a twenty foot tall puppet through the Tennessee hillside, romping around the Hollywood Hills dressed in his LBJ puppet suit, relaxing in his studio pickin’ his banjo, or watching his children grow up much too soon, Wayne White always seems to have a youthful grin and a desperate drive to create art and objects. It is an infectious quality that will inspire everyone to find their pleasure in life and pursue it at all costs.

“art can be a 24/7 lifestyle, art can be fun”

“Do what you love. It’s going to lead to where you want to go”

Wayne White’s artwork is fantastic too. Here are a couple of his word paintings:

My favourite thing I have seen of his is the giant mask, seen in the movie poster above. I have in my pipeline, and I am constantly thinking about making excessive fancy dress costumes and too-big masks. More on this soon.

The director and team are trying to get the film into theatres. Apparently it makes people want to stop procrastinating and get on with those projects they have had in the pipe line for 20 years. Maybe you are inspired by Wayne and you want to help make this happen. Here is the Kickstarter page. They are looking for crowdfunding.

Images taken from Wayne’s Website

Art, Process, Video

Apple Process

Here’s a short video I made for my final degree work at uni. I hired a spraybooth and sprayed 1,300 Gala apples a specific pink color of car lacquer. The process took a whole two weeks – three layers, and it was important to keep the stalks unpainted – so the applying and peeling off of masking tape was the most laborious part.
You can read more about what I made and why on the gallery section of my website.
Art, Video

Chat Roulette with props

Chat Roulette + friends + props = fun
Also, very interesting. Rosemary Kirton is exploring this in her final major project on her Fine Art Degree at the University College for the Creative Arts at Farnham. Her blog’s really interesting, and these two entries describe a bit about her work:
Rosemary is interested in the work of artist Marina Abramovic, who has just broken a Performance Art record by sitting for 700 hours. The audience is invited to sit opposite to her at a table, Abramovic looking into their eyes. Some last days, some last minutes. Here’s an article by the Telegraph about the work. Here’s  Rosemary’s blog entry about Abramovic
Silly, Video

Look Around You

Look Around You! If you haven’t seen this and you like silly silly comedy, prepare to enjoy yourself.

Peter serafinowicz is a very funny man and you can follow him on twitter or look at his website

Robert Popper is also a very funny man and you can follow him on twitter too. And here’s his website

Art, Interesting and Inspiring, Stop Motion, Video

Michel Gondry -Tiny

Ok one more, Michel Gondry is my favourite. I have great admiration for him. I hugely recommend this DVD of his music videos and short films.
‘Tiny’ is sung in my head all day sometimes.I’m So Tiny
I’m so tiny
it would take a million steps to reach you

i’m so shiny
i feel crappy
i’m so tiny

i’m so tiny
i’m so tiny
my crap is the size of a grain of rice

not so shiny
i feel crappy
i’m so tiny
i’m so tiny

i’m so tiny
I keep falling into a cigarette hole?
i ‘m so shiny
i feel crappy

Music, Video

Karni and Saul

Recently I met a wonderful couple who are incredibly creative and inspiring directors/animators/photographers. Here’s their website, Sulkybunny. They have their work up there, for your viewing pleasure. You can also watch more at the Passion Paris website, and the Rokkit website. They are everywhere!

They created this beautiful Four Tet video for ‘And then Patterns’

And this is lovely – Micah P Hinson – Beneath the Rose

That’s enough of film for today, three blogs all on one subject, I normally want to talk about completely different things. 

Oh! Here’s me in 2007 with Kieran Hebden. He IS Four Tet. I also met his mother! 


‘Zingolo’ by Cadburys

This advert has popped up on TV only once, but it stuck in my mind. It’s the first single from Glass and a Half Full Records. ‘Zingolo’ featuring Tinny. Download via iTunes:

“Cadburys share of profits from the sale of the track go to the charity CARE International.

Ghana is the heart of Cadbury Dairy Milks Fairtrade Cocoa and so the track celebrates all things Ghanaian: its people, its rappers, its dancers, its cultural figures and, of course, its cocoa beans.”


Music, Stop Motion, Video

Grizzly Bear video – Allison Schulnik

Allison Schulnik, A Californian Artist created this music video for Grizzly Bear’s “Ready, Able,” from the album ‘Veckatimest.’ It’s oozy stop-motion is mesmerising, It reminds me of my dreams. Dreamy music too, it’s perfect.

I like her glazed ‘things’. like Cats and made up animals. Her other films are available to watch on her website too, and here’s a lovey still from ‘Hobo Clown’. (Image: Copyright Allison Schulnik)

The Grizzly Bear video was found at Sophie Kern’s Blog. She’s an illustrator of sorts. Here’s her website too.

Bristol, Monsters, Silly, Video

Bank Holiday

Thinking about joining here:

And some monster fingers:

Weird skyline in Bournemouth this weekend. What a straight line!

I am trying to get into rollerskating. Planning to join in with Skate Bristol. I have bought some knee pads on Ebay, And my friends Nicole and Lyndsay now own a pair, so I’m going to get skating! Here are a couple of very short vids of me skating:

Silly, Video

Birthday Pinata

What a lovely birthday party! Gorgeous location, amazing friends and family, and beautiful weather. I could not have asked for anything more.

The pinata went down very well, lots of bashing, here’s a sped-up vid of the bashing, the original is 8 minutes, but that’s here too.

More pinatas coming soon I think, in the fruit/veg form. It took Mia and I ages, but It was so beautiful! and so fulfilling to wack.
