Paint, Text

Pictures Talking

Here’s something new! Sprung from a creative afternoon on the sofa with Angela Chick, and a donation of paints from a much-missed Grandpa, I made these.

That last one there is my favourite, and I’d like to do this on a large scale. All the above were made using wall-paint as the speech bubble – to help get that stark edge, which I want more practice at. The orange text is with watercolour and the thinest brush ever. Slight issue with magazine paper going wrinkly with the paint, may try ironing the paper after painting. Now need to collect more B&W images of people at parties, having a nice time.


Can’t find my keys


Double rainbow all the way (Inspired by this incredible Youtube vid: double rainbow)


Not sure if she is having a great time or not


Elvis is really enjoying this


The sexy Cara Delevingne is a pork pie fan. Can she have half of yours?


She loves her bovril


Maybe a barber shop quartet, maybe just agreeing with each other.

color, Drawing

Colouring in Hexagons

A beautiful new book, bought in the bookshop attached to the wonderful MACBA – Barcelona’s Museum of Contemporary Art. It’s a notebook with HEXAGON PAPER. That’s right, tiny little hexagons just waiting to be coloured in or for a story to be written, a word in each hexagon. It’s made by ‘Paperways’. I’m excited about the book, and I hear that my delightful friend and fellow creative Angela Chick is using hers now too. We had a little hiatus because the books are so beautiful – you know when you put off using them because they’re so nice.

The notebooks can be bought on Amazon here or here on the InkThistle website – you can see the other lovely Paperways products here too.

Here’s what I have done so far. I seriosly need to get better at colouring within the lines. But those hexagons are very small you see. Drawing with my trusty Pilot 0.4, a very sharp pencil and my ‘Zig Kurecolor’ graphic pens which was given to me as the best Christmas present ever. More about those pens right here.


Hexagon 7 Hexagon 6  Hexagon 4

Hexagon 3


Hexagon 2   Hexagon  3

Working out which pens I can use and which I can’t. Some of them bleed too much into the paper you see. I wanted to use light and subtle colours only.

Hexagon 2

Art, Drawing

Triangles with Angela Chick

Angela Chick is beautiful person. I miss her – we met at UCA and now she’s in Brighton and I’m here in Bristol and we don’t see each other much, but we are often on each other’s minds. Last weekend, I had the delight of Angela visiting me. We made things together. The biggest thing was a triangle collaboration, here is a couple of sections of it:

I’ve found myself rather obsessed with triangles later. Here’s some of the triangles which have come out of my hands lately. I rediscovered my Mac liquid eyeliner pen, which is long run out, and I use it as a brush with a pot of ink. It gives a lovely finish and holds the ink for a really long time.

Art, Collage, Drawing

Big in Brighton

A weekend in Brighton with Angela Chick and Yannik Eilers. We had big ideas: making miniature underwater sets for Yannik to shoot using his new underwater camera. This didn’t happen, but we thought of these ideas to go with the underwater theme:

  • putting milk in the water to make it cloudy
  • underwater treasure coral
  • an underwater butcher selling horses and man-meat
  • an underwater office
  • putting dye in the water
  • putting our faces in the water

I did make the coral though. More of that soon. We made lots of other things, Yannik scanning in lots of images from old picture books and editing in Photoshop – they were mostly rude. Angela worked on more of her embroidery hoops, and made “a couple of really shit collages that I didn’t even like.” She also made us delicious food.

I collaged, and I collaged a lot. Here’s what I made:

Men statues: “they made people feel quite uncomfortable” Made on old photographic paper – words scraped on with a pin (ouch) and head collage.

ALL these things are about to take off. Arrow found in the weekend papers, strange words: ‘sno-cats, majestic peaks, penguins and seals, fur seals and colorful markets’ found in the index page of an old encyclopedia.

I found some men with interesting expressions. (best faces found in Money and Sport sections)

“Hi, are you coming out on the piss?”

Art, Drawing

Angela Chick and Yannik Eilers

Two friends of mine! The most creative couple I know! Angela Chick and Yannik Eilers are the best:


Little zippy pencil-cases, purses, cushions.

AND what a clever girl, she was in featured in ‘Indie Craft’ a book which “showcases the new wave of crafting – quirky, cutting edge, craft-based artwork.” You can buy the book on Amazon, here.


He makes miniture things

And draws people stood at the bus stop outside his flat (separate blog here)

OH! and they are two big-deals in ‘Handmade Brighton‘ the best shop in Brighton, selling independent artist’s wares.

3D, Animals, Art

Emily Warren’s animal heads

I spent a day in the Handmade shop in Brighton last week. My friend Angela Chick is part of the art collective who run the not-for-profit shop. There’s lots of lovely things in the shop, my favourite being these animal heads by Emily Warren.

All images are the copyright of Emily Warren 2010 (apart from the silly last one)

Emily Warren’s Stealthy Rabbit Illustration Blog
Emily Warren’s Stealthy Rabbit Maker Blog
I tried to draw her seagull