Design, Graphics, Monsters

My Handwritten Fonts

Brill tool, Ifontmaker, for the Ipad. So simple and easy, and £4.99 at the Appstore. I really recommend it. I’m pretty happy with the fonts I made. Get Ifontmaker here.

Here’s the first two. They are in the public domain, so you’re free to use them for personal or commercial use. Click on them to be transferred to the page where you can get the free download of them.

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After I made those two, I thought I could have a bit more fun than just trying to make another font, which would probably turn out to be very similar to those two I’d already made, so I thought I could make a font of my monsters… Soon to feature on a Barfoot and Duggan duvet cover for children. This one’s called ‘Jumbo

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One more! This one’s called ‘BingBing’ and it’s a bit of a hairy one… only did the caps for this one, it took a crazy amount of time.

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I bloody love fonts. Here’s some great resources, which I use regularly for my design work:

And a couple of cool things:

Barfoot and Duggan, Silly

Shambala Voodoo Luck

Shambala is soon and Duggan and I are going to be performing very strange voodoo rituals and giving away voodoo fortunes.

Talking in tongues, wearing leather capes with glitter, multi-coloured, terrifying, silly, costumes.

Today I made the fortunes. Inside each tiny jar is a tiny fortune, some glitter and powdered paint.

Pour out the contents, blow a puff of colourful, glittery cloud, find out your fortune.

It’s going to be fun.

DSCF1034 DSCF1036

Here are some of the fortunes:

  • You are an able man.
  • You are a beautiful woman.
  • Do or do not. There is no try.
  • You’ll never be any good at gardening.
  • He who laughs at himself never runs out of things to laugh at.
  • The fortune you seek is in a different fortune.
  • Your days shall be long and your dreams fulfilled.
  • The nightlife is for you.
Barfoot and Duggan, Silly, Text

More ‘Shit Joke Book’ Illustrations

Getting some of these illustrations done, rather fun today in the sunshine. I’m illustrating some of the words in the jokes, usually the punchline. Things like ‘Breasts, bum fruit, his poo was on holiday, it is dead, eek, free and kiss a potato really hard.’ All are shit jokes made up by kids. All the words I am making using nicely sharpened pencils, coloured graphite and viscous watercolour paint.

Q. What do you call a snail with no shell?

A. It is dead.


bum fruit holiday poodead Eek freekiss potato

Barfoot and Duggan, color, Design

Union Street, Bristol

Barfoot and Duggan have been busy creating an attractive shop front hoarding to use to board up the disused shops in Union Street, Broadmead, Bristol.

Here are some of my sketchy designs:

I found those pics of the boxes in THE MOST AMAZING BOOK IN THE WORLD, Tactile:High Touch Visuals by Klanten, Ehmann and Hubner. Published by Dgv in November 2007. It’s only £26.80 in Amazon, and I found it in Urban Outfitters for £25. The rrp is £40!

Everything in the book is so delicious, I am so inspired. There is also ‘Tangible’, which is next on my list!

So the box pics are titled ‘De Designpolite’ made by students at the Utrecht School of Art in 2004.

Barfoot and Duggan, Lists

Project 2010: The Love Of It

Project 2010: 52 projects. One year to live for the love of it. Oodles of fun! Get involved in the following Project 2010 challenges then send the outcomes to The Love Of It.

Project ONE

Put aside an hour this week to scribble down your ultimate ‘things to do before you die’ list. Where in the world do you want to go, what sights do you want to see, what books do you want to read and what adventures do you want to go on?

Email your list to or, better still, write it on a scrap of paper, beer mat or postcard, cross things out, change your mind and write them back in again, cover it in doodles and send it to: The Love of It Bucket List, Barfoot and Duggan, Stokes Croft Studios, Top Floor, 77-79 Stokes Croft, Bristol BS1 3RD.

Here are a couple of samples of the postal lists we’ve recieved so far:

Barfoot and Duggan, Thoughts

My website works!

is back online!
That’s right! I think you should go and visit it. I have updated, moved around, deleted, re-colored, uploaded and edited.
Especially exciting things on my website:
Barfoot and Duggan, Exhibitions, Lists

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who came to the ‘There’s More To Life Than Lists’ exhibition. I especially want to say thank you to those who supported me by attending the private view and came from far and wide to see the show.

Barfoot and Duggan had amazing exposure for the exhibition, thank you to the Western Daily Press, the Bristol Evening Post, BBC Radio Bristol, Tom Bigwood of Bristol Community Radio, Venue and A-N Magazines.

603 people came through the doors, breaking Centrespace records. One man stayed for 4.5 hours, reading all the lists. People have been inspired to collect lists for us, one man is angry with the queen for not giving us her list (“she’s no queen!”) we sold 60 catalogs, had a great time setting the work up, and great fun taking it down. We both made hundreds of cups of tea for visitors and had countless interesting conversations.

It is fair to say that we were knackered afterward! Barfoot and Duggan have paused their Lightbox work for 2 weeks, I have been spending all possible time in the studio, ready to return to our hard work soon, refreshed and powerful. We are also thinking about our next art project/how to continue the list project.

If you have any lists you would like to donate, please email me!

I have photographs too! Some mine, some Nigel Barfoot’s (photographer extraordinaire) and some I am waiting on from a delightful freelance photographer who kindly took some snaps for us. I will be posting the rest of the pictures tomorrow, hang on

Barfoot and Duggan, Lists, Silly, Stop Motion

Barfoot and Duggan hard at work.

We have been working really hard to get our Centrespace exhibition ready. We have under a month to go now, and plenty of lists to display; threading and pinning. We are making more reciept mountains and getting some lists and letters framed. There’s a lot of work to be done, and we’re having fun doing it. Apart from when the list-thread gets in knots!

Barfoot and Duggan, Bristol, Light Box

Barfoot and Duggan Biography

Lucy Barfoot and Lucy Duggan met on Remembrance Day 2008 at 4pm. Barfoot got there first, and asked a lady in Café Kino, the designated meeting place, ‘Are you Lucy?’ To which she replied, ‘Yes.’ But she looked confused. So Barfoot asked her, ‘Are you the Lucy that’s meeting Lucy?’ And she said no. Duggan came in moments later.

The meeting had been arranged through Gumtree, the local ad website. Barfoot had replied to a posting of Duggan’s, which requested people’s to do lists. As Barfoot was a list collector herself (shopping lists), lived up the road and was also called Lucy they decided to meet up and swap lists in person to save on postage.

That day in Café Kino, Barfoot and Duggan decided they would make a joint installation of their lists. This can be seen at Centrespace Gallery off Corn Street in Bristol from October the 8th and is called ‘There’s more to Life than Lists’ They became friends and more creative plans soon followed.

Less than a month after meeting, Barfoot and Duggan did a three day stall at Carboot Circus, an alternative Christmas fair. Here they sold Thread Bears, the last ever Woolworth’s Pic’n’Mix sweets, monster umbrellas, blind drawing portraits and big face Polaroids. It seemed to make people really happy. And here the idea for Light Box was born.

Light Box is Barfoot and Duggan’s creative inclusion scheme. Here we provide workshops to increase wellbeing. These combine visually creative activities with techniques from the field of positive psychology.

Art, Barfoot and Duggan, Bristol

Do you know anyone called Lucy or Lucie?

Dear Lucy,

You are invited to a picnic for Lucys/Lucies. We are holding this picnic because we are both called Lucy and we have an interest in social connectedness, human behavior and fun.

PLACE: Brandon Hill Park (off Park Street), Bristol – follow the balloons…
TIME: 14:00 – 17:00
DATE: 4th July 2009
BRING: There will be food and drinks available, but do feel free to contribute in any way you can.

There will be games and quizzes plus the unique opportunity to meet dozens of other Lucys who share your wonderful name.

Please ring/write/text/email to RSVP so that we have an idea of numbers, but feel free to invite any other Lucys that you know, We want this to be as big as possible. NB Don’t bring anyone who is not called Lucy! (With the exception of carers and guardians)

We hope to see you there

Lucy Barfoot & Lucy Duggan

Barfoot and Duggan, Light Box

Barfoot and Duggan mega-meeting

Yesterday’s monthly Barfoot and Duggan meeting was incredibly productive. We spent ages thinking of the name for our empire – what is referred to as the ‘Central Arts Project’ It’s so hard to think of a good business/charity name, without sounding too children presenter/life course/ironic/apprentice. We read through the dictionary, thought about alliteration, rhyming, syllables, looked at lyrics, the best film titles, band names – all as inspiration. And still we did not come up with the final name!

However, We did design our Logo, which looks great. And now it’s time to look for more funding options, and to design the website.

We also made a little trip to Harvey Nichols where we took some photographs of us in very expensive designer clothes. Here we are wearing £1300. This picture is on our new business cards.

Art, Barfoot and Duggan, Process

Glue Reciept Mounains begin!

Barfoot and Duggan in action! Lucy and I are using Trevor’s reciepts (he has collected every reciept ever since he was 16) to create some kind of mountain. We’re working out the aesthetics and concept continually, but getting close to the material – covering it with glue, pushing it around, into cracks and peaks.

We’re making small ones, well not really small – 4ft x 3ft mountains, and then taking them on location, on a sunny day, filling in the gaps to make one big mountain, then after lots of photographing and thinking, deconstructing it and bringing it

Barfoot and Duggan, Studio

No pics

My camera died and I feel like it’s not a real blog post if it has no picture.

Barfoot and Duggan have sent off 2 grant applications, for lots of money. Will we get it? Yes! We should hear anytime between now and March.

I took the carpet up in my studio, sneezed a lot. Found mouse droppings and brown patches. It’s not less granny’s lounge and more nice wooden floor. Thinking of putting down some latex flooring though, wipe clean.

I love Bristol, this is really my home now, I have met great friends, I have met my muse! And it doesn’t get much better than that.

Barfoot and Duggan, Blind Drawing, Bristol

Stall success!

Lucy and I had our stall! It was hugely successful, not just in terms of making a little bit of money (Enough to cover the stall and buy balloons and mulled wine) but it was also SUCH a fun weekend, I haven’t laughed so much in ages.

Angela & Yannick came to visit, they did some Blind Drawing workshops with us. Elena came too, I drew her and her wild hair a few times. Nicole came on the stall for Saturday. We were the ever expanding stall! We got a star for being the smiliest stall too.

Lucy’s bears were really successful, they have such character. We’re going to make some more of them together for the next stall. (Start the Bus has free stalls on Sundays?) No one bought my Nice, Love, Yes of Cup of Tea, but it was not the right place to sell those i think – they were quite expensive too.

Bristol, Studio, Thoughts

Carboot Circus

I am working on the things I’m going to sell at Carboot Circus. So much to make, and it’s limitless – I can make as much or as little as I like. Feeling like this is not the thing i want to be making, but knowing that it’s not far off.

The aesthetic is simple, but i am keeping to the three important elements of the things I make;

  1. Accumulation obsession
  2. Color importance
  3. Labour intensity

So that’s good! Thinking about studiospaces – There are possibilities of finding a free one here in Bristol, run down buildings and disused basements. If i had the space, i would make the big, messy and scary things.

Barfoot and Duggan, Lists

Lucy Lists

I photographed my shopping list collection today, seems a lot smaller than i imagined. Lucy and I are going to do something good with our list collections. Shopping Lists and Things To Do lists. A little exhibition? A massive one? I need to bribe the supermarket trolley staff to save the shopping lists for me. If you have any of the two lists, please save them up for me and post/give them to me. We need lots.
