Art, Collage, Drawing

Big in Brighton

A weekend in Brighton with Angela Chick and Yannik Eilers. We had big ideas: making miniature underwater sets for Yannik to shoot using his new underwater camera. This didn’t happen, but we thought of these ideas to go with the underwater theme:

  • putting milk in the water to make it cloudy
  • underwater treasure coral
  • an underwater butcher selling horses and man-meat
  • an underwater office
  • putting dye in the water
  • putting our faces in the water

I did make the coral though. More of that soon. We made lots of other things, Yannik scanning in lots of images from old picture books and editing in Photoshop – they were mostly rude. Angela worked on more of her embroidery hoops, and made “a couple of really shit collages that I didn’t even like.” She also made us delicious food.

I collaged, and I collaged a lot. Here’s what I made:

Men statues: “they made people feel quite uncomfortable” Made on old photographic paper – words scraped on with a pin (ouch) and head collage.

ALL these things are about to take off. Arrow found in the weekend papers, strange words: ‘sno-cats, majestic peaks, penguins and seals, fur seals and colorful markets’ found in the index page of an old encyclopedia.

I found some men with interesting expressions. (best faces found in Money and Sport sections)

“Hi, are you coming out on the piss?”

3D, Animals, Art

Emily Warren’s animal heads

I spent a day in the Handmade shop in Brighton last week. My friend Angela Chick is part of the art collective who run the not-for-profit shop. There’s lots of lovely things in the shop, my favourite being these animal heads by Emily Warren.

All images are the copyright of Emily Warren 2010 (apart from the silly last one)

Emily Warren’s Stealthy Rabbit Illustration Blog
Emily Warren’s Stealthy Rabbit Maker Blog
I tried to draw her seagull