Silly, Thoughts

A List for today

Some things on my mind:

  • I miss Sex and The City
  • I would like a dog
  • When am I going to go to New Zealand again?
  • My favorite word is egg
  • I can’t wait for the sun to come out properly and to stop wearing tights
  • I want some tights from Tabio
  • Want to write some haiku’s
  • I think I need a better scalpel
  • James Joyce’s love letters
  • I like really big oranges, but not small ones which have lots of ‘pith’
  • Pith is a silly silly word

So not much then!


Silly, Thoughts

Vic and Bob

I have been watching ‘Bang Bang. It’s Reeves and Mortimer’. This was especially strange:

And 2 things which pop up in my mind quite often:

The second, I can’t find online, but it’s from Dirty Dancing, when there’s an old lady, who also looks like a little girl, and she’s singing by the piano and she’s bouncing up and down in her chair.
