Art, Music, Thoughts

Jay Z’s ‘Picasso Baby: A Performance Art Film’ + Abramović

Here is something new from Mr. Carter.

And some notes I made whilst I was watching it. This is the first thing in quite a while which links back to my fine art degree and provoked a reaction. I’m not for or against this piece of work from Jay Z, but that’s usual of my mediator demeanour in life: never quite taking an opinion (I try to see that as an asset!) So here’s what came to me:

Marina Abramović – hugely respected performance artist. Recently lots of hype from her ‘The Artist is Present’ performance piece in 2010 at MOMA. 736 hours, each sitting 30 minutes long of sitting opposite someone, (any spectator). Huge time and emotion investment. Imagine staring into so many different people’s faces for that long, that often.

Jay Z’s newest music video, shot in one day, nicking the performance piece from Abramović, but being friendly with her – she appears a few times in the video, mostly head-butting Jay Z and staring into his eyes, adding some weight to the interactions – everyone else seems to be showing off.

I wonder if Jay Z paid to use Abramovićs’ creative idea?

jay z

Everyone looks so excited at the end, that’s nice. Like the end of a really good gig where everyone’s wanting to go and carry the party on, like it finished too early. ‘people’ include the general public as well as Jim Jaramusch, Judd Apatow, Jemima Kirke and Alan Cumming. Which is great. Everyone, come along – just like Abramović did for her performance piece.

It’s out of the box for rappers, which is great. I like that. But it’s sneaking into the box of performance art, and making it another consumable, you-tube-able, quick-fix of art. No space to be bored, bang bang bang. “I’m a celebrity!” The excitement of seeing a rapper compared to the stillness of an artist staring into someones eyes for 30 minutes and seeing what happens.

Jay Z’s video shoot looks like a lot of fun, I wish I was there. He’s got this crazy cult following, that triangle shape he makes with his hands, which his crowd copies and shows him. Bet he loves that.

That’s it really. Just some thoughts. I don’t know if I like it or not. Do you?

Light Box

Busy with Light Box

March and the beginning of April have been packed with prepping for and getting into the swing of running Light Box. Here’s me and Lucy Duggan talking about the project:

Soon it’ll be streamlined and slick and I can start to put more into making things. Watch this space!

Art, Interesting and Inspiring, Stop Motion, Video

Michel Gondry -Tiny

Ok one more, Michel Gondry is my favourite. I have great admiration for him. I hugely recommend this DVD of his music videos and short films.
‘Tiny’ is sung in my head all day sometimes.I’m So Tiny
I’m so tiny
it would take a million steps to reach you

i’m so shiny
i feel crappy
i’m so tiny

i’m so tiny
i’m so tiny
my crap is the size of a grain of rice

not so shiny
i feel crappy
i’m so tiny
i’m so tiny

i’m so tiny
I keep falling into a cigarette hole?
i ‘m so shiny
i feel crappy

Bristol, Monsters, Silly, Video

Bank Holiday

Thinking about joining here:

And some monster fingers:

Weird skyline in Bournemouth this weekend. What a straight line!

I am trying to get into rollerskating. Planning to join in with Skate Bristol. I have bought some knee pads on Ebay, And my friends Nicole and Lyndsay now own a pair, so I’m going to get skating! Here are a couple of very short vids of me skating:

Silly, Video

Birthday Pinata

What a lovely birthday party! Gorgeous location, amazing friends and family, and beautiful weather. I could not have asked for anything more.

The pinata went down very well, lots of bashing, here’s a sped-up vid of the bashing, the original is 8 minutes, but that’s here too.

More pinatas coming soon I think, in the fruit/veg form. It took Mia and I ages, but It was so beautiful! and so fulfilling to wack.
